Enter your name exactly as it is shown (excluding accents) on the primary identification document (ID) that you plan to present at the test center. If the name shown on your ID does not match the name on your registration record, you will not be permitted to test.See identification requirements.
4-digit year
Use this space to include any additional information about your sex and/or gender that you would like to provide. This is optional and will not be included in any reporting, including your score report.
Important: Some states require a Social Security number (SSN) in order to process certification paperwork. Check your state's requirements to see if your state requires a SSN with your test score reports. ETS does not require your SSN for its own purposes, but will submit it to your state agency with your test results. Failure to provide your SSN could delay your state's processing of your certification application.
Please provide a valid e-mail address. Order confirmations and test admission tickets will be e-mailed to this address. Be sure to add @ets.org to your address book or safe sender list to ensure that you receive e-mail messages from ETS.